Spelman Presence at NAAAHP
Livingstone College played host to the 27th Annual Convention of the National Association of African American Honors Programs November 14th – 17th. Founded in 1990, NAAHP was conceived to address the particular needs of Honors scholars of color. This year’s conference, “On Higher Ground: Energizing Exceptional Minds for Extraordinary Excellence” featured more than 300 Honors Scholars from across the nation’s HBCUs. The Ethel Waddell Githii Honors Program was well represented as our Scholars presented papers, entered posters in a research competition and competed in Quiz Bowl. Congratulations to our E.W. Githii Honors Scholars.
Paper Presentations:
Kiana Jean-Baptiste
Asia Reece
Jasmine Porter
Cylantra Dees
Ke’la Jackson
Poster Presentation:
Zayd Zori
Quiz Bowl
Representing Spelman in the Quiz Bowl competition was Ariana Benson, Venus Montgomery, Jade Lockard and Kepra Young. Led by their coach Dan Bascelli, they came in 3rd!