NPG, a national membership organization devoted to population issues, invites students to compete in our Essay Scholarship Contest.
Entries must be received by April 20, 2018. Those received after the deadline will NOT be accepted. Entries must be submitted via the form below. Entrants must read the Official rules and release agreement available at the bottom of the form. Winners will be announced online at by July 10, 2018.
With America headed toward a population of approximately 400 million people by 2050 (up from the present 327 million), such huge numbers will surely intensify many of our country’s most critical environmental problems. Select ONE environmental issue from below, explain how it is made worse by population growth, and describe what measures you would recommend our nation’s leaders take to ensure we protect our fragile environment for generations to come. Submitted essays will be judged on research of the issues, explanation of the problems, and originality in recommended protective measures. Submissions must be between 500 and 750 words.
Air Pollution
Availability of Clean Water
Climate Change
Destruction of Wildlife Habitat
Detrimental Effects of Coal, Oil and Natural Gas Extractions
Loss of American Farmland
Protection of Wetlands
Shrinking of Parks and Green Spaces
Urban Sprawl
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