Ensuring that underrepresented individuals have opportunities to access higher education is important to us. Elastic Band Co. is committed to furthering the preparation of minority students and students with disabilities in the field of fashion and/or entrepreneurship. The maximum amount of the award will be $1000.
• Applicant must be a United States citizen or legal resident living in the United States.
• Applicant must have been accepted and will be attending a two-year associate’s OR four-year bachelor’s degree program in an accredited United States college or university in the Fall of 2019.
• Applicant must be a member of a minority group that is underrepresented in the fields of fashion and/or entrepreneurship (i.e., African-American, Hispanic, Native American, Alaskan Native, Pacific Islander) OR have a documented disability as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act.
• Applicant must plan to pursue careers in fashion and/or entrepreneurship.
Application Requirements
• Applicant must provide a Personal Statement (maximum 500 words), including personal history, educational/career goals, and extra-curricular activities. The Statement should describe the impact of being a minority student OR student with disability on commitment to the field of fashion and/or entrepreneurship.
• Applicant must provide two (2) Letters of Recommendation (one must be from a teacher or academic adviser).
• Personal Statement and Letters may be sent by e-mail attachment to scholarship@elasticbandco.com and the name of the student should appear in the subject line of the email.
Scholarship deadline is May 31, 2019.
For more information: https://elasticbandco.com/pages/elastic-band-co-scholarship